Clever Digital Management System Features
Here are just some of the features of our CDMS
- All in one SWMS that covers all activities – Only have to sign the one SWMS.
- All Forms sent from CDMS to the Cloud from your tablet are sent to Head Office and filed.
- Pre – Start forms used daily that covers all your Hazards – OHS
- Toolbox forms – Set Agenda – OHS
- Induction form for all employees and sub contractors.
- All forms are easy to use.
- The list goes on and on.
- There are over 100 listed forms available
Scroll down for even more features of our amazing system!
Fill forms and send
Clever Digital Management System has a clever way of completing a form: it allows the form to be sent via email from within the form at a press of the email button. If the Tablet is not connected to the internet, the email is placed in a queue and will be sent when internet connection is established.
There is no need to open a browser, just press send from within the form.
This clever way of making the user send the forms will make the receiver aware of who, where and when the forms are done. Managers are discovering this as a great management tool. If the form is not received when expected, action can be taken to find out why.

Free Standard forms
Clever Digital Management System is able to handle large sized forms. We have clients who use Clever Digital Management System for their 20 page inspection checklist, Risk Assessments and Site Audits.
Clever Digital Management System has 14 Free Standard forms at the moment and more coming.
All the free standards forms are listed at the right.
Forms logo and the footer information can be customised according to your company needs and can be logged into your IMS Management Systems.
- Daily Site Dairy
- Daily Plant Operators Safety Checklist
- Daily Pre-Start
- Docket Holder
- General Site Induction Checklist
- Issue Action Report
- Issue Action Report Register
- Meeting Minutes
- Noise Level Readings
- Safety Environmental Alert
- Safe Work Method Statement
- Site Induction Record
- Toolbox Meeting
- Minutes Variation Form
Real Time GPS Location
Lock your form with real time GPS location. This will confirm where the form was actually created.
It makes your inspections more accountable, verifiable and enhances their integrity by eliminating tampering.
And to do all this you don’t even have to open any new application. Everything is integrated into Clever Digital Management System.

Record Signatures
Fill out and sign documents from your android tablet with Clever Digital Management System. Include signatures in any part of the form you wish. Clever Digital Management System gives you a smooth signature pad to take anyone’s signature on the pad easily, anywhere, any time.
Clever Digital Management System will give you a natural signing experience just like pen on paper on large screen.
All signatures are protected by the Clever Digital Management System application for security.
Add Pictures to Forms
No need to carry your camera with you or use your mobile to take a photo. Clever Digital Management System is capable to taking pictures and adding them into your form exactly where you want the photo. Once picture is taken Clever Digital Management System will insert the picture in your PDF as well.
Moreover, Clever Digital Management System also allows you to write, draw and mark on the photo.
All pictures will be stored in the table’s memory, in the PDF file and also will be emailed to you with the form as attachment.

Create PDFs
Clever Digital Management System creates PDF automatically when you email your form. You can also save any form at any stage as a PDF file for free.
PDF generator is a part of Clever Digital Management System. It allows you to customise headers and footers, add your logos, company name and other information.
Additional Advanced Features
When you fill a form and press email button, you can choose between ‘partly completed’ or ‘completed’. If you choose ‘partly completed’, you will be able to reopen the form and continue filling it in after it was emailed. If you send it as ‘completed’, the form will be sent and will become read-only in the FORMS SENT section.
You can create a form that has a score. For example you can have the following types of findings: ‘finding of defect =0, finding of partly compliant =1, and finding of compliance = 2. The program will automatically create totals and percentages in your checklist as you select the type of finding.
Sometimes a form is used for a particular project or location. Clever Digital Management System provides the ability to change the name of the form to specific situations. For example if you wish to send a form called Site Inspection, you can add to the title the words ‘Project A stage 1′, so that when it is retrieved it can be easily identified to the project or area it relates to.
Any field in a Clever Digital Management System form can be made compulsory. If these fields are not filled in, the form will prompt the user to either complete them, or override the compulsory field by selecting acceptance of no entry.
When a form is sent, you can show date, hour, minute and second it was sent and in-built security preserves the integrity of the document.